The Fox and the Star, by Coralie Bickford-Smith

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the-fox-and-the-star-2015Coralie Bickford-Smith
The Fox and the Star

Penguin Books, augustus 2015
gebonden, linnen band, 64 pagina’s, 26 x 18 cm
ISBN 9781846148507, verkoopprijs € 19,49
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Dit boek gaat niet óver boeken, maar het is wel een erg mooi boek. Het is gemaakt door Coralie Bickford-Smith, bekend van de vele omslagontwerpen die zij maakt voor uitgeverij Penguin, zoals bijvoorbeeld de clothbound classics.

Het prentenboek, haar eerste eigen boek, verteld de fabel van een vos en een ster…

Once there was a Fox who lived in a deep, dense forest. For as long as Fox could remember, his only friend had been Star, who lit the forest paths each night. But then one night Star was not there, and Fox had to face the forest all alone.

It is a picture book for young and old, beautifully printed and bound in cloth, a celebration of the physical book. Published on 27th August by Particular Books, an imprint of Penguin Books. The story is inspired by my life experiences, and as you would expect the design inside and out harks back to the world of Victorian book design (zie haar website).






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